
Virtual Blitz Review

Virtual Blitz Review

You completed Blitz. 

Now we answer your questions, LIVE

Ummm...why wouldn't you??  
How many times have you reviewed the strategies since your Blitz?? 
5+ times?  Great!  Use this as a chance to get bonus info and access to an ACT expert who can answer any questions you may have! 
Zero times?  Great!  Use this as an opportunity to review the strategies before you take the official test and ask our ACT expert, Jon, any questions you may have! 

You better believe it!   You get more time with an ACT® guru, for absolutely free!

Have your Blitz Materials ready to go!  Blitz Manual and Practice Test (if you still have it!)

Are you a question?? kind of person...  then yes!  Come with all of your ACT questions!
Are you a sit back and observe kind of person...  nope!  Come ready to review with our Expert Trainer and listen to the answers of other's questions. Maybe you will be inspired to ask your own!